[November 6-7 / Upcoming ZOOM Event] Contesting Memorial Spaces in the Asia- Pacific

On November 6-7, Kyushu University Border Studies will host an international conference on ‘Contesting Memorial Spaces in the Asia-Pacific’.

Across the two days, the conference features eight tremendous panels examining the temporality and territory of memory, explorations of official and marginalized memorials, new spaces of mnemonic performance, and national and transnational memorial networks. It will also host two plenary roundtables, discussing tangible and intangible heritage practices, and the visual and affective power of territorial disputes.

For further details, see the conference outline here:

And the full programme here:

The conference will be hosted entirely on zoom, and requires
registration to attend each day in advance.

Registration for November 6 (Day 1):

Registration for November 7 (Day 2):