2019.07.16 【主催イベント / 2019.8.2】ABSj-NIHUセミナー”Japan’s Ocean Borderlands: Nature and Sovereignty Conservation at the Edge of the Inhabitable” by Dr. Paul Kreitman
2019.04.22 【開催報告】The 1st International Joint Conference between RCCZ and UBRJ “Macro-Micro Relations in East Asia and Contact Zones: Regime・Crevice・Hybrid in East Asia’s Relations”
2019.01.16 【関連セミナー / 2019.1.17】“Eternally ‘Northern Territories’?: the Fiasco of Abe’s Russian Policy” by Akihiro Iwashita (ヘルシンキ大学アレクサンテリ研究所)